
The Kitchen Cabinet Andrew Jackson

How Did Andrew Jackson Change the Presidency?

James Kirkikis/age fotostock/Getty Images

Andrew Jackson inverse the presidency past shifting the base of operations of political ability from its stronghold in the due east to the western frontier of Tennessee. As well, unlike previous presidents, he did not defer to Congress in policy making, merely used his party leadership and presidential veto to maintain absolute power.

Andrew Jackson came to the presidency with the status of a war hero, having led his army to victory in the Boxing of New Orleans in the closing moments of the War of 1812. In the presidential election of 1824, Jackson won the pop vote, but lost the presidency due to what he termed a corrupt bargain betwixt Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. In 1828, the newly formed Democratic Party nominated him again, and he won the election despite a entrada full of slurs and personal attacks on both sides. In 1832, Jackson was re-elected by a wide margin.

Jackson's two terms equally president were marked by a number of major political battles. One was his opposition to a federal bank, then called the Depository financial institution of the United States, which he considered a monopoly. Another was the refusal of South Carolina to pay federal tariffs, which Jackson met by threatening to ship federal troops into the state. His obduracy in meeting this claiming is credited with preserving and strengthening the Union. However, Jackson was a proponent of Indian removal, and signed a neb forcing Cherokees and other Native Americans to leave their bequeathed lands in the East for far inferior lands in the West.

The Kitchen Cabinet Andrew Jackson,


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